Thursday, December 28, 2017

Jose Altuve is 2017 A.P. Male Athlete of the Year

The Associated Press announced on Wednesday that Houston Astros Second Baseman Jose Altuve is the 2017 Male Athlete of the Year.

The American League MVP finished ahead of New England Patriots QB Tom Brady and LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers.

The award, started in 1931, has honored many baseball players, including St. Louis Cardinals star Pepper Martin, who won the inagural award.

Play Ball!

Friday, December 22, 2017

Merry Christmas from Justin, Kate, and Harley

Yes, I still love Justin Verlander, even though he's no longer a member of my beloved Detroit Tigers.

 I still look forward to him pitching the rest of his career in Houston and putting the final touches on his way to Cooperstown.

Winning his first World Series ring with the Astros was certainly a big piece to add to his HOF resume.

It's also no secret that I still...duh, have a crush on Kate Upton.

OK, with all that said, the best couple in baseball posted a terrific picture on JV's Twitter and Instagram pages today as they celebrate their first Christmas together as a married couple.

                                   1st Verlander Christmas here we come!" 
                                        Justin Verlander on Twitter.

And, as always, they include Harley, their little guy that we've all followed since Kate Upton found him as a puppy.

Merry Christmas to The Verlanders... keep those awesome pictures coming!

Play Ball!

Baseball Bulletin... December 22, 2017

Usually I post stuff that's baseball related here on the bulletin, but today I thought I'd post on the different stories I've come across that are honoring the late Dick Enberg, who passed away last night at the age of 82.

I was fortunate to be able to watch Mr. Enberg call a three game weekend series on FOX Sports Detroit this past summer between the Dodgers and Tigers, and I'm  truly sad to a newer generation of fans who never had the fortune to hear one of his games or events broadcast.

Dick Enberg was the sports voice of a fifferent era, the days of my youth in the 1960s and 1970s, long before the Internet and social media, calling famous games and matches in every sport, and for many years he was the voice of the then California Angels, including calling Nolan Ryan's no hitter at Tiger Stadium in 1973.

I was  a young Tigers fan sitting in the left field stands that day, and my Uncle Bob had to explain to me why the fans were cheering the other team while our Tigers were losing.

💻 These are a few links to reports on the passing of Mr. Enberg.

⚾️ Bryce Miller of the San Diego Union-tribune was the first story that I read last night.

🏀  Tony Paul of the Detroit News tweeted out the link to his 2015 article on Enberg going into the Baseball Hall of Fame.

🏈 Mike Kipper of the L.A. Times writes about the life of the broadcasting legend.

⚾️ The Baseball Hall of Fame remembers the 2015 Ford Frick Award Winner.

📺 Jimmy Traina of Sports Illustrated looks at Enberg's most famous calls behind the microphone.

⚾️ A J Cassavell  on writes about the many...many accomplishments of Mr. Enberg.

🎙Deadspin shared a previous article  on how Enberg was always the RIGHT man for the MOMENT.

🏀 A late addition from The Old TV News Coach blog.

👀👀 There have been many, many tributes...too many to count... go to Twitter or Facebook and search "Dick Enberg " 

Rest in Peace Mr. Enberg. 

Dick Enberg...1935-2017

Just as I was getting ready to lay down for the night I found out about the passing of legendary sports broadcaster and Michigan native, Dick Enberg.

Richard Alan Enberg was born on January 9, 1935, in Mount Clemens, Michigan, grew up loving the Detroit Tigers and dreaming of playing baseball at Briggs Stadium wearing the Olde English D.

Dick Enberg is now joining Ernie Harrell, Curt Gowdey, Joe Garagiola, and Red Barber, broadcasting the ultimate baseball game in Heaven.

Rest in Peace Mr. Enberg.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

My Mailbox...My Secret Santa

Today's mailbox included just one package, and that was my Secret Santa package, from Billy at A Cardboard History.

This was a true secret, in that I hadn't yet come upon Billy's blog.

Billy didn't disappoint, with 1974 Topps baseball cards of my beloved Detroit Tigers...including the key card of my hero, Bill Freehan.

That Tigers  Christmas Tree ornament was an terrific addition and will look very good on our tree.

This is my first year participating in the Secret Santa, done by fellow blogger Matt at Bob Walk the Plank.... but I can tell you it won't be my last.

My Secret Santa package has been sent, and they should be getting it by the end of the week.

I hope they are as happy with their gifts as I am with the ones I received today from Billy.

If you haven't yet come across his blog yet, well, heck, head on over and give him a follow.

Thanks again Billy... Merry Christmas 🌲🎅 , Happy New Year 🎉 ... and....

....PLAY BALL! ⚾️

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Happy Baseball Birthday....Al Kaline

We send out Happy Baseball Birthday! wishes to Mr. Tiger, the great Al Kaline, who's 83 today.

This 1960 Topps All-Star card from the year I was born is on my wish list...I have his regular '60 base card, and they'd make great teammates in my PC.

Happy Baseball Birthday! to the 1980 Hall of Fame inductee, #6 on your scorecard, Mr. Tiger himself, Al Kaline...  Play Ball!

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Happy Baseball Birthday... Tom Stanton

Today we say Happy Baseball Birthday! to author and baseball fan Tom Stanton.

I was thrilled to have met Mr. Stanton, brief as it was, earlier this year in Kalamazoo on his Terror in the City of Champions book tour.

The book tells the story of the Motor City during the middle of the 1930s as Detroit became the Original City of Champions.

The first book that I read of Mr. Stanton's was his tribute to old Tiger Stadium, the ballpark that holds a very special place in hearts of Tigers fans of an older generation of baseball fans like me.

The Final Season is a baseball book that any fan will enjoy, and if you're a fan of the Detroit Tigers, well, it's pretty much a must read.

Mr. Stanton is the author of 5 books on our National Pastime.

As I said, my meeting with Mr. Stanton was way too short in duration, and I one day hope to meet up again one day to discuss baseball...maybe it'll be at a ball game in good ole Motown.

Happy Baseball Birthday! Mr. Stanton.... PLAY BALL! ⚾

Saturday, December 16, 2017

A Nachos Grande Season of Giving

If you'd like some FREE baseball cards head over to Nacho Grande's  Season of Giving Giveaway.

The giveaway was originally posted on October 31st, but, like the disco craze of the 1970s, I am way late to the party.

I requested that Nachos hit me up with some Tigers cards...of course...but there are lots of teams still available, so head on over to the link above, check out Nachos terrific blog and get you some awesome baseball cards.


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Baseball Bulletin... December 12, 2017

A Happy Hanukkah to all celebrating their faith this Holiday Season.

I'm still basking in the glory of Jack Morris and Alan Trammell being elected into the National Baseball Hall of Fame by the Veterans Committe on Sunday night.

July, 2018 can't get here soon enough for all of us Tigers fans.

🌲 Here's some other baseball stuff I've come across on the old Internet. 🌲

⚾️ Today's Happy Baseball Birthday! includes Redleg Snyder (1854), Pee Wee Waniger (1902), Buzzi Bavasi (1915), The Road Runner, Ralph Garr (1945), and former umpire Tim Mclelland.

⚾️ On this day in 1975 my Detroit Tigers stunned my 15 year old baseball fan heart by trading 1968 World Series hero Mickey Lolich to the New York Mets for Rusty Staub. 


 Lolich won 207 games for the Tigers, including a A.L. league leading 25 games in 1971.

Between 1964 and 1975 Mickey won at least 12 games each year, and his 2,679 strikeouts are the most in Tigers history, and until 2017, those 2,679 K's were the most by a left handed pitcher in American League history , until the Yankees C.C. Sabathia broke his record.

Staub, was a terrific Tigers outfielder and DH, batting .277, with 582 base hits, 70 HRs, and 358 RBI in 4 years in the Motor City.


⚾️ I guess I have to mention the Angels signing of Japanese star Shohei Otani by the Angels, and the Yankees acquisition of Giancarlo Stanton from the Marlins.

My wife and I first saw Michael Stanton play for the Jacksonville Suns, smacking 2 homers in a game we attended, and we became instant fans...and she isnt one bit happy that he's now wearing the Yankee Pinstripes.

Stanton's first Yankees baseball card...its a Topps NOW card, of course.

                                       2017 Topps NOW Giancarlo Stanton

As for Otani, well, the folks over at the MLB Network couldn't stop drooling about the pitcher/DH playing with analytics poster boy, Angels CFer and league MVP Mike Trout.

⚾️ Josh Jackson of has a terrific article on the Old Hollywood Stars PCL baseball team.

⚾️ The Jacksonville Dolphins Baseball Team released their 2018 schedule, and I absolutely LOVE IT!

I lived in JAX for 36 years, and saw quite a few ball games on that beautiful campus, including watching a young JAX native named Daniel Murphy do his thing on his way to the big leagues.

⚾️ I'll late in posting this, so my apologies to the guys at the Hall of Very Good.

 Remember The Famous San Diego Chicken?

The most famous mascot in sports history was on the HOVG podcast, and to help Go Fund Me efforts, signed 40 baseball cards to the first 40 folks to give at least $5.00...its a worthwhile donation for sure.

How could you not want a autographed card like of The Chicken...AWESOME!

⚾️ I hope to post a few more times before Christmas, including another update of the great blogs that I follow.

Until next time... PLAY BALL!

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Jack Morris and Alan Trammell Elected into the Baseball Hall of Fame

Today every fan of the Detroit Tigers received a early Christmas present when former pitcher Jack Morris and shortstop Alan Trammell were elected into the National Baseball Hall of Fame.

                                      Photo from Baseball HOF and Detroit Tigers

I'm 57 years old and not too proud to say that when Jeff Idelson of the HOF read off those two names that I started to clap, cheer, and yes, cry...cry tears of joy that two men that I cheered on for three decades for my team , my  beloved Tigers, are going to Cooperstown next summer.

The two Tigers were the only  Modern Era Committe players to receive enough votes to gain election.

In early January the BBWAA will reveal their ballot for the HOF.

I'm thinking about all those great Tigers fans out there, including baseball bloggers Julie from A Cracked Bat, and Dennis of Too Many Verlanders.

I'll be posting more in the coming days, or so, on this awesome achievement by Morris and Trammell...gotta go dig out some baseball cards.

Play Ball...and GO TIGERS!

Friday, December 8, 2017

Happy Baseball Birthday... Kim Basinger

We send out Happy Baseball Birthday! wishes to the beautiful and multi talented Kim Basinger, who turns 64 today.

As baseball fans, we can't ever forget Kim's best movie role, as the blonde vixen Memo Paris in The  Natural.

Memo was Manager Pop Fischer's Neice , but that didn't keep him from warning Roy Hobbs she was trouble, and in the end, well, he made the wright choice...and yes, they had met before...

Kimila Ann Basinger  was born on December 8, 1953, in Athens, Georgia  and besides The Natural she was also a Bond Girl, and fell in love with Bruce Wayne.

We send out the best of wishes to Miss Basinger, and say Happy Baseball Birthday! 

Play Ball! 

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Tracy Stallard, 1937-2017

I was sad today upon hearing that former big league pitcher Tracy Stallard has passed away at the age of 80.

Stallard is remembered in baseball history as the pitcher who gave up the historical 61st home run to the Yankees Roger Maris on the final day of the 1961 season.

In 2014 this blog wished Tracy a 77th Happy Baseball Birthday!

A day, or so, after that post, I was contacted by someone in his family thanking me for the post, and that they'd let Mr. Stallard know we were thinking of him on his Birthday...that was a terrific gesture that I will always remember.

We send out our deepest of sympathies to the Stallard family on their loss.

May God Bless Mr. Stallard.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

2017 S.I. Sports Person of the Year

Tuesday morning Sports Illustrated revealed its choices for their 2017 Sports Person of the Year, and baseball is front and center with World Series Champion and America League MVP Jose Altuve.

Altuve is Co-Person of the Year with Houston Texans defensive lineman J.J. Watt.

Altuve and Watt were vital to the City of Houston in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, which devastated the City to the tune of $200 plus million dollars in damage when it hit the coast of Texas in late August.

Altuve led the Astros to the 1st Series Championship in the franchise's 55 years of existence, helping bring together the Houston community when they needed it most.

Altuve is the 17th big league baseball player to be selected as the S.I. SOTY, starting in 1955 when World Series MVP Johnny Podres of the Brooklyn Dodgers won the 1st championship for the Borough of Brooklyn.

Altuve joins Podres, Stan Musial(1957), Sandy Koufax(1965), Carl Yastzemski(1967), Tom Seaver(1969), Pete Rose(1975), Willie Stagell(1979), Dale Murphy(1986), Oreo Hershiser(1988), Cam Ripken(1995), Mark McGwire/Sammy Sosa(1998), Randy Johnson/Curt Schilling (2001), Derek Jeter(2009), and Madison Bumgarner(2014).

Play BALL!

Monday, December 4, 2017

Happy National Cookie Day!

I saw that today is National Cookie Day, and so, of course, that automatically sends up a big smile from me for the thought of delicious Chocolate Chip Cookies.

There's absolutely no telling how many Chips Ahoy! cookies Ive eaten in my 57 years, but I'm pretty sure somebody got to retire based on my consumption.

This being a baseball blog, well, I thought that I should do a shout out to former Kansas City Royals second baseman Cookie Rojas. 

Octavia Victor Rojas  was a 4-time All-Star with the Royals in the early 1970s, and it seemed like he and fellow infielder Freddie Patek got to every ball my Detroit Tigers hit.

Cookies 1971 Topps baseball card is one of my favorite of the decade, a picture that pretty much shows how he played.

How awesome is this picture of Rojas turning a double play against the New York Yankees in the Bronx.

Cookie collected 1,660 base hits in 16 seasons with the Cincinnati Reds, Philadelphia Phillies, St. Louis Cardinals, and Kansas City, batting .263.

So, tonight, when your thinking about the upcoming baseball season,  grab a couple of your favorite cookies in celebration of Cookie Rojas...or even Cookie Lavagetto...its your choice.


Saturday, December 2, 2017

My Favorite Baseball Card of 2017

I came across a great contest being done by P-Town Tom over at Waiting 'til Next Year... asking for our favorite card of 2017.

I've wanted this card all year, unfortunately for me, I haven't been able to afford this card, or have I seen it around town, or in my group of fellow Detroit Tigers collectors on Facebook.

This 2017 Topps Stadium Club, Variation #42, Justin Verlander.

I absolutely love this card...if your a Tigers fan you know that it took Justin 9 Years to collect his first big league base hit.

Although he's now in Houston, is a World Series Champion with the Astros, he's still my favorite Tigers pitcher in my lifetime.

This was simple for me...and being that Tom's a great guy, I can use a card that I don't own yet...and if anyone reading this has one of these awesome cards, well, hit me up for trade, or, sale, (if the price is right), at  

The contest runs until January 8th... maybe I'll be able to update this post with the card in my collection.

I'd like to thank Tom for the chance at entering thus contest...and hey  you need to join as well.

Play Ball!

Friday, December 1, 2017

Happy Baseball Birthday... Bo Jackson

Today we say Happy Baseball Birthday! to former big league outfielder Bo Jackson  who turns 55 today.

Vincent Edward Jackson  was born on November 30, 1962, in Bessemer, Alabama.

There's two men... Bo Jackson, and the great Jim Thorpe, who, for me, are the greatest athletes since 1900.

Thorpe is the greatest athlete, for me, but, of course, we got to see Bo on TV, and what we saw was as perfect an athletic specimen that was ever put on this earth.

I've always been a fan of Bo...mainly because as a young Navy guy I told several of my fellow shipmates that Bo was going to play baseball, and not football...they told me I was crazy.

It was with great delight when I read the sports news that day in 1986 when I learned that Bo had signed with the Kansas City Royals, spurning the NFL and the lowly Tampa Bay Buccaneers, reporting to the minor league Memphis Chicks of the Double-A Southern League.

I had tried to tell my fellow sports fans on the ship that I had read numerous magazine and newspaper articles that Bo wanted no part of playing for the Bucs, and that he'd most likely sign to play professional baseball with the Royals.

That's the reason that I liked Bo so much, because, although he played at Auburn, won the Heisman Trophy as tge best player in college football in 1985, he chose to play baseball, my favorite sport, over the pigskin.

Watching Ken Burns Baseball last week I got to see this again...

...hitting a home run on the first pitch you see in your first All-Star Game is something that just doesn't happen...unless, that is, if your name is Bo!

Happy Baseball Birthday! Bo Jackson! 

Play Ball

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Congratulations Heidi Whatney!

I ment to post this a couple of days ago, but  with all the stuff going on in my life it just got delayed.

There is no secret...if you follow me on Twitter, that I'm a fan of Heidi Whatney of the MLB Network.

As a person of the male persuasion, she is everything you love as a baseball fan...a beautiful lady who knows as much about baseball as you do...probably more.

During the regular season I never miss Quick Pitch, the nightly show that comes on at 1am East Coast time...showing all the baseball highlights from every game...and, on most nights, hosted by Heidi Whatney.

I follow Heidi on Twitter...and you should as well...and the other day Heidi posted a very special message.

Congratulations to Heidi, and her husband on the upcoming addition to their family.

Play Ball!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just wanted to post a very Happy Thanksgiving! to all the great baseball fans out there.

I hope you and your family are enjoying a great Turkey Day as we watch football, hoops. and pucks waiting for the 2018 big league season.

Play Ball!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Michigan-Ohio State ... Go Blue!

Yes, this is a baseball blog, but as a Michigan Wolverines fan  it's also the greatest week in the college football season for me as my beloved Wolverines battle the arch rival Ohio State Buckeyes this Saturday at Michigan Stadium in Ann Arbor.

My first Wolverines vs Buckeyes matchup as a fan was in 1976, as Bo Schembechler took Michigan to Ohio Stadium and whipped the Bucks, 22-0.

The signal caller on that '76 team was Rick Leach, the first great Wolverines quarterback that I remember.

Leach led Michigan to three straight Big Ten Championships, 1976-77-78, and when he left college football his 38 wins were the most in the history of Intercollegiate Football.

Like many athletes back in the day, Leach was a multi sport star, including playing centerfield for the Wolverines baseball team.

Even though Leach was drafted by the NFL's Denver Broncos, it was his first love, baseball, that Rick chose, and that led to a long career playing in the big leagues.

I've posted a couple of times about Rick Leach here on the blog...

Happy Baseball Birthday! Rick Leach (2013)

My Favorite Toronto Blue Jays Player of All-time, Rick Leach

So, as day one of Buckeyes week is here, I give another shout out to the GUTS and GLUE of Michigan Football, the great Rick Leach.


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Happy Baseball Birthday...Bill Welch and Michael Miller

A very  special Happy Baseball Birthday! to two awesome Detroit Tigers fans, Bill Welch and Michael Miller. 

Bill and Michael are fellow members of a group of terrific Tigers fans on Facebook who collect and talk Tigers, baseball , baseball cards and memorabilia.

This group of Tigers fans has really been a blessing to me since I moved back home in the summer of 2016...being able to actually meet and interact with Tigers fans in my hometown and state...going to local card shows and seeing all the Tigers stuff people have's been fun for sure, and these two are a big part of why I love being back in Michigan.

Happy Baseball Birthday guys...... PLAY BALL!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Happy National Pickle Day!

I love pickles.

Today is National Pickle Day, a day to celebrate the awesome goodness of a sweet bread and butter pickle chip, or the crispy crunch of a hamburger dill.

Baseball is no stranger to the pickle! 

In honor of pickle day we celebrate by honoring the brief life of former big league catcher Pickles Dillhoefer.

William Martin Dillhoefer  made his big league debut on April 16, 1917 with the Chicago Cubs.

Pickles served in Word War I, reaching the rank of Seargent, and after returning from The Great War, played his final 3 seasons in the big leagues with the St. Louis Cardinals.

Pickles played in just 247 big league games, batting .223, with 48 RBI.

On February 23, 1922, at the age of 27, Pickles passed away after contracting typhoid fever from complecations during surgery.

So, give Ole Pickles Dillhoefer a shout out today when you bite into that crunchy, delicious delight!

Play Ball!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Game 7

Tonight all baseball fans will sit down in front of our televisions to watch one final game of the 2017 Big League Baseball Season... Game 7 of the World Series. 

The Houston Astros and Los Angeles Dodgers will take the field tonight at Dodgers Stadium in Los Angeles to put a bow on a magnificent year of baseball.

I was hoping to post today about a Astros win in Game Series prediction...but the Dodgers case away with a 3-1 win.

This has been a weird Series for me to watch.

Early on in my baseball fandom I learned about the Dodgers...their history of playing in Brooklyn, becoming the best team in the National League upon the arrival of a man named Jackie Robinson, winning the 1955 World Series...and the heart breaking move to Los Angeles.

The Brooklyn Dodgers are my favorite team that doesn't play anymore...yes, I separate the old Brooklyn Dodgers from the current team in Los Angeles...just something I separating the current Washington Nationals from the old Montreal Expos.

I love the Brooklyn Dodgers.

I cheered on the L.A. Dodgers in 1974, 77, and 78, only to see the Dodgers lose...and I rooted for them with Series Championships in 1981 and 1988.

That said, I'm also a fan of Astros RHP Justin Verlander, who pitched for my beloved Detroit Tigers for 12 years before agreeing to be traded to the Astros on August 31st.

His success in Houston is surreal, because we wanted one more run for our Tigers with JV as our ACE.

I wanted Verlander to win his first championship last night...he gave up just 2 runs, losing for the first time in a Houston uniform, as the Dodgers beat the Astros in another great game played by these two teams.

Tonight, Game 7... if Houston wins I'll be happy for Verlander...and former Tigers outfielder Cameron Maybin, who was traded to the Astros by the Angels over the summer.

If the Dodgers win, well, I'll be happy also, because of a man named Rich Hill... a terrific former Michigan Wolverine pitcher who's made a magnificent comeback the past few years, and for another former Tigers player, Curtis Granderson.

At one time all three players...Verlander, Granderson, and Maybin, were in the Tigers organization...both Verlander and Granderson were on the 2006 American League Pennant winning team in Detroit.

As a baseball fan Game 7 is a way to say thanks one last time to all the ballplayers that made 2017 a year to remember.

Good Luck know to the fans of both teams...good luck!

Play Ball!

Friday, October 20, 2017

Collecting Matt Boyd 2017 Topps Update

Topps 2017 Update Base released the other day, and there's one card, well cards, that I'll try to acquire... every variation of Card #82 of Detroit Tigers LHP Matt Boyd.

Matt has become my favorite Tigers pitcher now, as Justin Verlander has gone onto Houston,  and  starting with tomorrow's card show here in Kalamazoo, I'm going to try and acquire every version of Matt's  #82 Topps Update card...and as many Boyd cards as possible.

According to Beckett that means 10 cards...

Regular Base

Rainbow Foil ( 1 in 10 packs)


Black (#/66)

Father's Day (#/ 50)

Mother's Day (#/50)

Memorial Day (#25)

Printing Plates (1/1)

Platinum (1/1)

The last 2 issues will be a most daunting task... the 1/1 cards will obviously be very hard to find...but I'm going to give it my best shot.

I have limited income, so I may have trade for the card..and that will be awesome as well...the BLACK variation is already on for $9.99... and I hope that when I can get it it's around that price.

Matt is kind of special to me, as my middle name is Boyd.

So, if you buy, or have bought, the Topps Update cards, and come across a Matt Boyd variation, I hope you'll think of me I  any impending trades or sales...thanks in advance.

Play Ball!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Happy Baseball Birthday... Andrew McCutchen

A quick Happy Baseball Birthday! post to Pittsburgh Pirates outfielder  Andrew McCutcheon, who turns 31 years young today.

I wanted to give a shout out on McCutcheon's Birthday to honor one of my favorite  blogs, Collecting Cutch, who's posting every day to raise awareness for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

1 in 8 women will get Breast Cancer, and you can get all the information you need RIGHT HERE.

Every day over at Collecting CUTCH you'll find a post with Breast Cancer info, a beautiful celebrity picture to help all us guys remember why we want a cure found, and a PINK ANDREW MCCUTCHEON Baseball card.

My Celebrity to post is the beautiful Sofia Vergara from Modern of my favorite celebrities for sure.

..I posted Sofia because she's married to actor Joe Manganiello, who'said a huge fan of Pittsburgh sports...the Pirates, Steelers, and Penguins

I don't own a Pink Cutch card, so I found this one on good Ole Google.

McCutcheon is one of my favorite baseball players, a 5-tool player who can absolutely take over a game single handedly.

Head on over to the Cutch won't be disappointed.

Play Ball!