

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Tigers Card Tuesday- Bazooka Bill Freehan!

This terrific card arrived just in time for another Tigers Card Tuesday! 

πŸ‘‰ As I was telling Jeff and Dennis on Saturday,  I was hoping it would get here by today, because, well, it's just a cool find and eBay bid winning card!

          1968 Bazooka Bill Freehan

🐯⚾️ As you all know, Bill Freehan is my favorite baseball player of All-Time, since I was 7 years old, when I attended my first Detroit Tigers game ever, at old Tiger Stadium.

🐯⚾️ I couldn't believe that a card like this cane up for auction, and I was more shocked to find out that I'd actually won!

πŸ‘‰ I was more than happy to pay a small price for such a cool card from my childhood. 

πŸ‘‰ Its not all that easy to find a card of Freehan that I don't already have and, that I can afford to purchase. 

πŸ‘‰ I'm usually bogged down trying to add to the Boyd Binder, or add8ng cards of Miguel Cabrera and Riley Greene, and I'm lucky that I saw this auction. 

Thanks for taking part of your day to stop by and read my blog,  it's much appreciated!

Have a great week, and, of course, Play BALL! 🐯⚾️ 


  1. Good player. He has a slot in my Tigers page.

    1. Impressive. How did you know I was going to comment and say "congratulations"? Lol. Anyways.... it's always nice to add a rare card to your main player collection... especially when the price is right.

  2. Finding out which cards of his that you need and adding saved searches for them on eBay is a good way to ensure that you don't miss out on any future reasonably priced listings.
