

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Tigers Card Tuesday... 1961 Al Kaline

Today's Tigers Card Tuesday! is card #40 in my quest for 61 different 1961 Topps cards, for my 61st Happy Baseball Birthday! last month.

           🐯⚾ 1961 Topps #429 Al Kaline ⚾🐯

The arrival last week of Mr. TIger was an automatic pick for today's post, although, honestly, I had no idea it was card #40 of my set.

So, that leaves just 21 more '61 Topps cards to go, I hope to get there in the next few months, and I thank everyone that sent me their extras.

I only have 4 Tigers cards in the '61 Topps quest do far, and next month I'm gonna try and acquire a couple big the big boys, Norm Cash & Rocky Colavito.

I've surveyed a few of the cards on eBay, COMC, etc., and I hope they'll be available when I can pick them up.

Have a terrific day, and, until next time, get outside for a game of catch.