

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Happy Baseball Birthday! ... Norman Rockwell

This is a late night Happy Baseball Birthday! post as I've just found out that the great American painter, Norman Rockwell, was born on this date, February 3rd, in 1884.

For me, the paintings that I'll always remember seeing growing up were of our National Pastime, the great game of baseball.

I can only imagine how cool it was as a young fan, waiting for the "Saturday Evening Post"to get delivered so you could see the awesome paintings that Mr. Rockwell would come up with.

Hope y'all had a terrific Wednesday, and are staying warm, and dry out there...I had a good visit to my doctor at the Battle Creek VA today.

Play BALL! ⚾🎨🖼️


  1. One of my friend's moms collected Rockwell plates and had them decorating the walls of her dining room. That's how I will always remember the famous painter.

  2. My gf's mom acquired a few Rockwell plates before she passed. The gf still has them. I never knew Rockwell was born on February 3rd and I should know that because that's also my bday.

    1. Happy Birthday!
      February 3rd is also my late Sisters Birthday, she passes away much to early, at just 36, and it's always tough because we were both born in February.

      She would always call me and talk about the Tigers with me.
