

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Tigers Card Tuesday... 1973 Bill Freehan Cameo

Part of the fun that is Collecting Cutch's posts about his collection of Andrew McCutchen baseball cards is the way he ties cards of other ballplayers and his favorite ballplayer.

👉 A.K.A. "The Falco Files," we get to see cards that the former N.L. MVP on cards of other big leaguers.

Today's CUTCH post asks you to comment with your World Series picks, who'll hit the first double of the Series, and if you have a favorite card of a player that also has your favorite player on it.

Today's Tigers Card Tuesday! is a 1973 Topps Oakland Athletics Playoffs card showing George Hendrick scoring the winning run in Game 5 of the 1972 ALCS.

                         1973 Topps #201 

         "Hendrick Scores Winning Run." 

The only redeeming quality of this card is that it has my hero, Bill Freehan, on it.  

🐯⚾ That 2-1 loss to the eventual champion Oakland team as terribly heartbreaking to 12 years old yours truly, as I ran as fast as I could after school to try to catch the last inning of the game, only to miss the terrible ending.

👉 That was the end of the Tigers run of great baseball, that started in the mid 1960s, with Al Kaline, Willie Horton, Norm Cash, Freehan, Mickey Stanley, Jim Northrup, Denny McLain, and Mickey Lolich.

I guess, technically, Bill Freehan is also a "Cameo" on the 1969 Topps World Series card celebrating Mickey Lolich's Game 7 win over Bob Gibson and the Cardinals.

Speaking of backgrounds of baseball cards, I always like seeing old Tiger Stadium over the shoulder of a ballplayer posing for a picture, or of the brick wall at Comerica Park that shows the Tigers retired numbers.

Hey, make sure you get over to today's CUTCH post to get your entry into his World Series contest.

Have a great day, and, hey, it's WORLD SERIES time... Let's PLAY BALL!💗⚾💗⚾💗⚾


  1. Freehan cameos - I'll take 'em. He deserves to appear more often on cardboard. He had a little attention from Panini a few years back but that's just not enough.

    1. Always thought Topps should do a Gold Glove Catchers Set of cards. Think about how cool that would be. Freehan, Parrish, Pudge, plus, Matheny (Go Blue!), my guy Molina for sure.

  2. I was a little late to his post for the contest... but that's okay. The lovely lady in his post made it worth my while.
