

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Tigers Card Tuesday... 1960 Topps Al Kaline All-Star

Today's Tigers Card Tuesday has been delayed a couple of weeks because my arthritis simply refused to cooperate.

The one and only, Mr. Tiger, Al Kaline was a 18x All-Star, and I've been wanting his 1960 Topps AS card for a very long time.

    1960 Topps #561 Al Kaline

As the 1960 Topps cards were making their debut, I was making mine, over at Borgess Hospital in Kalamazoo, on February 19, 1960.

That's why the Kaline AS card is so special to me... I love the number 60 behind the Kaline shadow. 

➡️ In 1959 Kaline batted .327, with 27 homers and 94 RBI, securing his appearance as a 1960 Sport Magazine All-Star Selection. 

🤲 The only time I had actually held a 1960 Kaline AS card was at a local show here in Kalamazoo a couple of years ago, when I didn't have enough money to buy the card.

Now I have completed my 1960 Topps bookends of the great Tigers right fielder.

Have a great week... Play BALL! 🐱


  1. Both of those cards are awesome! Hope you're feeling better.

  2. Amazing cards! 1960 is one of my fave Topps designs. Hope the sunshine we're having eases your pain somewhat.

    1. Thanks, Julie. Keep those great posts coming.
