

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Pimping another Contest- Chavez Ravine

While reading my daily blog list, I came across a link to a contest being held by Chavez Ravine.

First off, it's cool to find a blog that I hadn't been following, plus, it's a Dodger fan(My fave NL club), another cool thing.

His contest is asking about the card, or cards, that got you started collecting.

For me, it was the love of baseball, and wanting to have any and all cards of my 1968 World Series Champion Detroit Tigers. 

Head on over to the link above follow Chavez Ravine, and get into the contest...there's a bunch of awesome prizes! 💯💯💯💯

Good Luck, and, always remember to o Play BALL! ⚾


  1. Is that a bat boy at the bottom of the card?

    Somehow wasn't following you--I've changed that now. Thanks!
