

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

It's #WCW and oh, Secret Santa is Back!

I've always wanted to do a Women's Crush Wednesday (#WCW) post on Twitter, but always seem to forget...until today.

It's the beautiful Emma Stone's Happy Birthday Day, and that's a terrific way to start my #WCW on Twitter as well as here on the blog.

Emma's Birthday also happens to come a day after National Redheads Day!

Honoring a beautiful woman like Emma Stone on your first #WCW post, well, it's like opening a great gift on Christmas Day.

I haven't seen The Amazing Spiderman (2012), but now that I have Netflix on my TV, I'll definitely be looking to watch it.

🎅 Speaking of Christmas, and the upcoming Holiday Season, it's also time again for the annual bloggers Secret Santa, run by our friend Jon over at A Penny Sleeves For Your Thoughts. 

I'll be honored to once again be involved, because, hey, isn't it great to send out some baseball cards to make someone's day?

If you'd like to get involved, make sure to hit the link to get involved, and believe me, it's worth it to get involved with all these amazing bloggers we have in the community.

Happy Birthday Emma! 🎁🎂🎅
Play Ball!


  1. Thanks for helping to promote this year's Secret Santa, John! By the by, a lot of modern actresses don't do anything for me, but Emma is one of the select few who does :)

    1. Hey, it's my pleasure.

      I'm looking forward to another terrific holiday season with all the awesome bloggers.

      I'm late to finding our about Emma...then I saw her as Billie Jean King and watched La La Land.

      Oh, my!

  2. Have my very own custom card of Emma Stone, created by Gavin of Baseball Card Breakdown. I do seem to have something for gingers because he's also made one for me of Shirley Manson.

  3. Thumbs up to Emma Stone... and of course to Jon for organizing this year's Secret Santa.
