

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Happy Baseball Birthday! ... Bill Freehan

Today's Happy Baseball Birthday! celebration is in honor of my baseball hero, Bill Freehan, born 77 years ago in Detroit, Michigan.

I woke up to this awesome card on Twitter from the great Gummy Arts.

Gummy draws amazing baseball cards every day and he's a must follow on Twitter.

Over the years I've written many times about my hero, so I won't go over the same stats that I've done so many times, they're all readily available on Baseball Reference.

I'm gonna do something that I haven't done before, but I feel like today's the day.

I'd like to ask that, in honor of my hero, Bill Freehan, if you can, please donate exactly $11 to Alzheimer's Research.

Where it asks "IS THIS A TRIBUTE GIFT?" hit the "YES" button...

If you know someone who's battling dementia, Alzheimer's, then by all means, donate in their name.

For over a decade now Bill has been battling dementia, a horrible disease linked with Alzheimer's.

Please take a few minutes and read this article about Bill and his battle to fully understand what he's going through.

My thoughts over the past few days have been about Bill, his wife Pat, and their family as his Birthday got closer.

When the article about his illness was published earlier this year, well, I honestly didn't know if Bill was going to still be here, but he is, and I'm so glad.

To my hero, and his family, I send out my love, and hope that today was truly special for the Freehan family.

Happy Baseball Birthday! William Ashley'll always be my hero...PLAY BALL!