

Monday, November 5, 2018

Baseball Bulletin...Bloggers Secret Santa 2018

Last year I had the opportunity to participate in my first Secret Santa over on Bob Walk The Plank, and I really enjoyed the experience.

With Bob having retired from active blogging earlier this year, many of us wondered if the Secret Santa would continue this season, and today we got our answer.

Jon over at A Penny Sleeve For Your Thoughts has taken the lead this year, with the blessings of Matthew, and Secret Santa is a go this holiday season, so, lets get the word out on Ye Olde Blogosphere, and make sure you let Jon know if you want to participate.

It was so much fun finding out who I was giving for, going through all my cards, and picking out the one's I thought would bring joy upon opening up the package...I know it brought me happiness.

It's just a $10.00 minimum to get involved in the holiday giving with all the awesome bloggers out there.

Thanks, Jon, for your leadership this year, it's greatly appreciated!



  1. Jon is a great guy, the Secret Santa exchange is in good hands. I'm looking forward to it!

  2. Thanks again for the assist, John! And don't worry, if I didn't do it, Chris would have, so the Secret Santa was going to happen one way or another.
