

Monday, July 11, 2011

My favorite players in baseball history

Since I began writing this blog around a year, or so, ago, one of the mainstay post's have been about my favorite big league ball players from every club.

I started writing about my favorite players with an article on the Baltimore Orioles Brooks Robinson, the best 3rd baseman I've seen since I began watching baseball.

I'm going to cover, I hope, every baseball team in the big leagues since the American League began play in 1901, and even going back to the 19th century.

That means not only the current 30 clubs, but also the clubs that no longer exist, including the Negro Leagues.

I'll also remind everyone who reads this blog that if a team has moved, like the Atlanta Braves, then I'll have a fave player from the Milwaukee Braves, and the Boston Braves, as well.

Dale Murphy was my fave Atlanta Brave, and I did a post on my fave Brooklyn Dodger, Jackie Robinson.

When it's time to write about the Los Angeles Dodgers player who I like the best, it will be separate from the Brooklyn club.

I started in the American League East, went to the Brooklyn Dodgers, and am now putting the finish on the National League East.

So, when I write about my favorite Washington Nationals player that means just the Nats players since they moved to D.C., and not the members of the Montreal Expos, who will come in a later post.

So, next up is my favorite Philadelphia Phillies player, and then we'll end the N.L. East with the Nats.

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