

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Just a quick shout out today to all you great fathers out there on your special day.

My father passed away in 1991, but I think about him every day.

He wasn't much of a baseball fan, although he used to tell me stories about when he did play a pick up game here and there he would play catcher, because he could throw the ball right to the bag at second base.

My Dad's favorite sport was basketball, his fave team was the Celtics, and he loved Bill Russell.

My baseball heritage comes from my Uncle Bob, who would always come to play ball with me and my brothers every summer.

I hope you and your Dad are having a great day today.

Always remember to tell your Dad you love him, because one day you'll look up, and he won't be there to play catch with, to play pepper with, to hit ground balls to you, or, and most important, just to sit and talk to you.


  1. Great story. Our fathers seem similiar, including year of death. My son took me to Fenway for the game yesterday. Will remember forever

  2. God Bless. Baseball is the heart and soul of Fathers and Sons. The Dad may not be your Father, but a Father figure, that introduces you to the greatest game ever invented.
